Friday, October 3, 2008

Structural Pests

Carpenter ants are the number one wood destroying organism structural pest. Olympic Spray Service Technicians can help you with your problem. Give us a call at (360) 457-4341, (360) 379-3862 or 1-800-828-5508.

Anobiid beetles are common in older structures on the Pennisula. These can be treated by drying the wood out to less than 12% or treating the wood with Borate salts. This pickles the wood and makes it uninhabitable to the insect. One pound of Borates are needed per 100 to 200 square feet of wood. The area of the subfloor and the size of the josts should be measured to determine the amount of material needed. John Mason can be called on his cell phone directly at (360) 828-2457.

Weed control is one of our specialties. You can call Gary Casper directly at (360) 912-0228 or one of the above numbers.

Icynene Insulation is a system of insulating that saves you twice the energy as any fiber system. Think of cutting your energy costs in half. This will pay for the difference in cost in just a few years. Andy Kumpula is the person in charge of bidding on Icynene. He can be contacted directly at (360) 912-0227.

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